Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A New Bedtime Story

Tonight I went to a reading by Brigid Pasulka the author of A Long, Long Time Ago and Essentially True. She recently won the Hemingway Foundation/ PEN award. It is an award that is given to a novel or book of short stories by an American author who has not previously published a book of fiction. So the Hemingway Festival is going on here and this was one of the events. I love hearing a book read by its author. It gives such a personal touch to the reading experience. I find that I hear the author's voice as I'm reading the book. As though the writer of the words is inside my head lending their voice and inflections to the story. I'm pretty excited to read this book. Brigid did a wonderful job of reading a segment of what promises to be an enchanting tale. Click the link if you're curious. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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