Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On the Way to Spain

This necklace is on it's way to Spain. That just makes me happy. Flamenco dancers twirled in my imagination as I made it. I only wish I could deliver it in person. Spain is pretty high up on my list of places i want to visit before I die. The thing that would make a visit to Spain perfect for me, is to know someone when I got there. Being a tourist is fun but it certainly has it's limitations. The places I have seen with a native are the best travel experiences. Getting to see things from the perspective of someone who knows  from  personal connections is really getting to experience them. You know if I ever get to Spain, I'll tell you all about it :)


  1. Oh, it's beautiful! I think it will be right at home in Spain!

  2. Congrats, it is a lovely piece! The color is beautiful! :)
